Many living close to Cedar Hill Park, and familiar with natural areas around the Park, were very surprised when, in late 2019, subdivision application notices were posted on both Tracksell Avenue and Tattersall Road to publicize the intention of a property owner to develop about 1 acre of land right on the NW boundary of the Park.
There were some significant issue as the only access was through an undeveloped public right-of-way with a prominent rocky outcrop on Tattersall. Secondly, the subdivision property was straddling a rocky ridge most covered by large Garry Oak and mature Douglas Fir. Development would have entailed blasting the access road and huge disturbance and loss of mature trees to create lots suitable for housing.
So what happened? The immediate neighbourhood rallied and many wrote to Saanich’s Approving Officer to express their objections. It was a long wait but finally, in 2022 Saanich reached an agreement to purchase the property to be integrated into Cedar Hill Park. Well done Saanich!! Impact to neighbours and Cedar Hill Park has been avoided and the area is preserved as a beautiful undisturbed ecosystem.