Bowker Creek
Bowker Creek was once a wild meandering stream flowing from the headwaters through forest and glade. Regrettably the creek has been buried in culverts for 67 percent of its length as Greater Victoria developed. Over the last 20 years the CRD, Saanich, Victoria, Oak Bay and other stakeholders have developed and endorsed the Bowker Creek Blueprint - A 100 Year Action Plan to restore the Creek.
From the Bowker Creek Initiative website: “The Bowker Creek Urban Watershed Renewal Initiative is a unique multi-jurisdictional effort to improve the health of a highly urbanized watershed. The Initiative was established due to concerns for flooding, pollution, and the degraded condition of Bowker creek.” - “The Bowker Creek watershed is in the Capital Region and the creek extends from the University of Victoria through the District of Saanich and the City of Victoria, and discharges to the sea through the District of Oak Bay.” Here is a link to the BCI website:
Cedar Hill Park is part of the Colquitz Creek and Bowker Creek watersheds. A tributary identified as "Reach 17" of Bowker Creek flows from the west side of the park boundary (Camrose Crescent) to the south end of the park at Finlayson Road. Much of this section of the creek flows in underground conduits through the golf course and it is unique as one of the few sections that flows through public land and accessible to the public.
The Friends of Cedar Hill Park join the District of Saanich to support the restoration of Bowker Creek as members of the BCI Steering Committee. Members of FCHP have worked with volunteers under Saanich's Pulling Together Program to clean up the creek through a number of volunteer events since 2014 and these efforts continue. A study was conducted by KWL consultants for Parks in 2019 that presented the options for daylighting and restoring Reach 17 in Cedar Hill Park. Through the effort of Saanich Parks, FCHP, QCHCA and other community stakeholders, a restoration plan for the creek has been developed as part of the Cedar Hill Park Management Plan (2019) in accordance with the 100 Year Blueprint.