The Friends of Cedar Hill Park gathered on October 29th, 2024 to introduce two members of the Society who have volunteered to maintain the bulletin board mounted on the deck at Barwick Lake located on the west side of the Park. We are fortunate to be able to present the work of Dr. Roy Shepherd, a well known forester, naturalist, neighbour and supporter of CHP. Roy passed away about 3 years ago leaving the FCHP Society with an amazing collection of photos and descriptions of over a hundred species of plants and trees around the Park. We continue to enjoy Roy’s legacy of advocacy for the Park and educational signage, notably the bird identification board at Kings Pond.
The FCHP welcome volunteers, Jan and Bill Larkin (shown 2nd and 3rd from the right) who are neighbours of the Park who are keeping the bulletin board updated with photos and descriptions of the species of flora to be found in the Park. Barb Latham and Susan Haddon (1st and 2nd on the left) have copied and organized Dr. Shepherd’s work that will be accessible on our website. The Friends of CHP continue to work with Saanich’s Pulling Together Program to help maintain and restore the natural areas that encompass the Golf Course.